University of Michigan IRB HUM00114328
T1D Teen Tech Study
The purpose of this 3-week study (HUM00114328) is to take data from technology, including mobile phone sensors and insulin pumps and use it to make a web-based visualization/tool of diabetes data that can be used by teens with type 1 diabetes. We want to create better technology for kids with diabetes.
Up to 25 teen participants will use their personal or study-provided Android phone to measure sensor data such as steps, physical activity, and location; and receive send alerts to ask them about factors that impact their diabetes care such as their current mood, carbs ingested, and insulin doses. The parent will complete an end-of-day questionnaire about factors that impact their child’s diabetes care.
There will be an in-person initial interview with the study staff, parent and teen participant to discuss about your child’s diabetes management, 3 weeks of data collection including daily prompts/messages and then a final interview where the study team will show your child’s data across the 3 weeks using a web platform and ask for your feedback and insight. If you use an Android provided by the study, you must return it at the end of the 3-week study. Interviews will be audio and video recorded.
The teen and parent pair will receive up to a $75 Visa gift card in compensation for completing the entire 3 week challenge. Participation in this study challenge is voluntary.
We will enroll up to 25 participants who meet all of the following:
- Enrolled in the Diabet-E-Study Registry (HUM00112547)
- Children and adolescents 13-17 years of age with Type 1 Diabetes
- Cannot be diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes in the past 6 months
- English speaking
- Willing to carry around their personal Android mobile phone or a study-provided Android phone at all times while awake for the 3 weeks of study duration
- Willing to upload blood sugar/insulin data on a regular basis, WiFi access is recommended
If you have any questions, please contact the Research Coordinator, Ashley Garrity at or (734) 936-2452 or Emily Dhadphale at or (734) 936-6042.